Thursday, August 25, 2011

Week 1 in Key West - May 10-17, 2011

We are now in the mooring field at Garrison Bight. 

Mostly sailboats around us, one being Canadian right next to us. 
We slept-in the first day, then went to land in the afternoon.  I love the 2 mile ride to the dinghy dock.  Looks like a lot of people have to do this and i've seen other dogs get to land that way too. 

Too bad there is nothing close by and its such a long walk to get anything.

Somedays we got to the tourist area, seaport and Duval street.  Other days we go to the shopping area. Either way it is quite a walk in this heat.  Mom and Dad carry a cooler on wheels to transport water for all of us. 

However there are lots of store and restaurant that have bowls outside the door or when they see me bring me a bowl with water and ice.  I'm allowed in a lot of places and i really like that Air Conditioning they have on full blast.

A lot more people seem to know that i'm a Great Pyrenee but they still come and pay attention to me so i'm happy for that.  Then some people seem worried about me being hot.  They think i shouldn't be out in this heat with my fur coat.  Off course i'm panting cause i'm walking lots and it is warm but i'm doing just fine.   I do have an insulating coat but they don't know that if they don't know about Great Pyrenees.  Some even say that i should be given a hair cut and if they knew that is the worst thing that could be done to my protective coat.   Mom offers me water regularly and we stop lots in the shade and in stores for me to relax. 

After our long walk we head back for the dinghy dock and they let me run around to find our dinghy. 

Its fun going up and down the dock, sometimes i get in the wrong dinghy so they tell me to go look again.  Ours is so little, i'll like to try one of these other ones.

We were hoping to only be here for a week but the weather that we need is not here yet and looks like it'll be a second week.