Monday, April 25, 2011

My personal history - how I got here...

I was born January 4, 2009 on a farm in Prosser, Washington.  My birth mom and dad are both working dogs protecting cattle.  When i was about 5 weeks old, lots of people came by to look at  my brothers, sisters and I.  One Sunday morning a family came by and they seemed to have instructions on how to pick one of us out (not the runt, not the largest, preferably a boy and one with attitude).  When the youngest one tried to pick me up, i growled at her, than ran under her chair to keep an eye on her hands if she tried to pick me up again, seems like that convinced them i should be the one (is that what attitude is?). 
They came back a week later when i was just over 6 weeks old and brought me to their place. 

6 weeks old in Prosser, WA

There was 3 other dogs there, Catera (miniature chihuahua), Drake (German Shepard) and Mitsie (Rat Terrier).  Brooklyn (the one i growled at) was the youngest child around 8 years old and she has a sister, Kenzie, that is about 5 years older.  They thaught me that popcorn is good and that hair dryers are scary.  Since then i've added vaccuums and lawnmowers to that list of scary items.   
A couple of weeks later a couple visited for a few days.  They made me stay in the guest room with them and i wasn't happy with that, i just stayed under the bed.  Then they took me to this big black truck and we drove to what would be my home in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 11 hrs away.  i tried to runaway at a rest stop but they insisted i get back in the truck,  on the positive side there was snow that i had never experience before and its fun to play in it.
The first few nights my new dad had to sleep with me on the floor cause i didn't want to be by myself.  Then they got me a cozy little cage and put it in their room.

My first week in Calgary, AB
Since then i've learned to love riding in the truck or car.  I've taken many trips to Sandpoint, Idaho to see my friends at Dover Marina, that is where i also learnt about staying on a boat and swimming.  
Overlooking Pend d'Oreille River, ID - Sep 2009
 In the spring of 2010, we went across Canada for a boat delivery and drove back thru the USA. 

Playing in the snow - Tracy, PQ - March 2010

I got to see lots of places, including Niagara Falls where people wanted to take my pictures with the waterfalls.

Niagara Falls - March 2010

 In June 2010, i went to Florida with my dad in the truck.  

Love the truck rides!!
He was busy working most days on the boat so i just spent time in the shade under the truck or in my little swimming pool to keep cool. 

In my pool - June 2010 Pensacola, FL

Mom joined us a month later and we drove all the way back to Canada.  I sure love travelling
 We only stayed there for a few months until we were ready to head back to the boat full time in mid-November.  We took Mom's car this time.

Mini's are roomier than they look - Feb 2011 Indian Rocks Beach, FL

I get in the drivers seat whenever i get a chance -  Nov 2010 - Pensacola, FL

So starting in Pensacola in November 2010 we have lived on the boat.  We are now in Indian Rocks Beach, Florida and we should be leaving soon to head further south so that we can see new places and now i'll be able to keep everyone up to date with stories and pictures on the places i visit. 

On bow of boat at sunset in Indian Rocks Beach, FL - Apr 22 2011

In the next few weeks I will backpost some of my travels including my great adventure to Savannah, Georgia. 

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