Thursday, May 5, 2011

Goodbye Indian Rocks Beach!! on my way to new places. May 3-5, 2011

On Tuesday May 3, 2011 we left the Holiday Inn Harbourside Marina after being there for 4 months. 

Holiday Inn Harbourside Marina - Indian Rocks Beach

I made lots of friends there and i'll miss them. 

Steel ship at entrance of Madeira Beach

I thought when the boat started that morning that we were just going for a quick day trip, but i soon realized when we were fuelling up in Madeira Beach that we were on the move again. 


We travelled down the Inter-Coastal Waterway instead of the Gulf of Mexico, mommy says she feels safer that way and there is more to look at.  We are travelling really slow 3 to 6 knots is all, we might as well be a sail boat! 

 I'm not hungry when we travel and i don't like going inside the boat to my water dish cause it is sooo noisy in there.  Mommy brought both my bowl on the bridge but i only had water cause it is so hot outside.  

We had to cross the entrace to Tampa Bay right next to the Skyway bridge, that's when we spotted our first sea turtle - too bad nobody had time to get a pictures.  

Sunshine Skyway Bridge - 5.5 miles span

We then re-entered the ICW at Ana Maria Sound,  by Longboat Key  it was really shallow with birds walking in the water in what seemed like only a couple of feet away.  We saw a bunch of salmon spoonbills and some sunken boats.


We started seeing Sarasota as  the sun was starting to set so daddy picked up the speed a little.   He was complaining that 8 knots is all he could get and that something migth be wrong.    We finally arrived  in a little cove after the Ringling causeway bridge,  we spent some time anchoring and getting settled.

i was barking back at some dog on land, then barking cause i wanted off this boat.  I circled all around and there was only water, i wondered how this was going to work.   Finally mommy put my lifejacket on and daddy lowered me to the swimstep, i jumped in the tender right away, i was excited to see land. 

We went to Marina Jack's dock and from where took a short walk so that i could take care of stuff.    It was late so maybe that's why i didn't see many people, i miss the attention. :(   We then returned to the boat by tender and i was really good jumping in/out of the tender and waiting to be lifted from the swimstep.  We were all tired but mommy had trouble sleeping cause she said she didn't trust the anchor alarm. 

The next day we went to shore in the morning for a couple of hours walking around downtown Sarasota. 

Couldn't wait to drink my water before getting back to the boat

When we got back mommy and daddy went diving underneath the boat.  I stayed inside and tried to figure out what they were doing, it was so noisy at the back of the boat.  I just rested on my bean bag chair. 

They talked about barnacles being all over the props and that might have been what slowed us down so much.    They only got it partially done so they were going to have to finish the next day.  Here are the before and after pictures of the props.

We went for an evening walk,  this time we took the tender to a place called O'Leary's.   You can tender right to shore and they allow dogs at that restaurant!  We went for a walk then mom and dad had a drink on the beach before we returned. 

The next morning we took the tender on the other side of the Ringling Causeway to Centenial park.  Mommy went across the street to get more food while i walked around with dad, again nobody around except birds, so i miss the attention!

Evening walk was in downtown Sarasota for Cinco the Mayo and it was so busy!  I finally got a little attention and saw lots of other dogs.  

After we got back daddy put the tender back up,  i think that means we are moving again... so here are my last 2 pictures of Sarasota.

oh.. and this guy tried to hitch a ride with us - don't know how far he made it....

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