Monday, May 16, 2011

Encouter with Manatees and Cabbage Key!! - May 7, 2011

  This morning we went for a 3 mile walk thru Cayo Costa State Park. 

We saw a centipede, some people in tents, a beautiful beach (where i wasn't allowed) and some ospreys. 


I was exhausted!!! 


We went to the boat but i wasn't allowed off the zodiac.  We replenished our water and we went to a little canal thru the mangroves that led to a lagoon. 

We then saw these sea cows.  I guess they are called Manatees,  Daddy turned off the engine to not hurt them cause they are an endangered species. 

It was all good looking over the edge till one got under the zodiac and then i was nervous and started moving around.  Mom thought we might all fall in.  The Manatees seemed to be having fun.  We used the oars to get away from them, then started the engine to leave the lagoon.  We went around Punta Blanca Island to Cabbage Key - this island has no paved roads or cars.  It is only about 100 acres and only accessible by boat, helicopter or seaplane!  We found out that i wasn't allowed there so Mom and Dad took turns to go take pictures of this cool restaurant and turtles running around. 

Cabbage Key Inn Restaurant made famous by Jimmy Buffet's "Cheeseburger in Paradise".

Around $10,000 falls from the ceiling and walls each year and is given to charity.

We returned to the boat a different way, it seemed to take forever.  I was getting hot so mommy put a towel on my head, and that seemed to help with the heat. 

It was an early night to bed for all of us.

Me falling asleep on the steps when we got back.

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