Tuesday, May 17, 2011

South to Fort Myers Beach - May 8, 2011

After a quick tender ride to shore and lots of attention as 2 tour boats has stopped at the Cayo Costa state park we went to the ICW again. 

We travelled thru the Pine Island Sound to San Carlos Bay where there was more bigs homes and lots of traffic being a Sunday.  


We then entered a narrow channel with sand bars to one side and went to a Marina!! Yeh!! Land!! 

Mommy said only 1 night to recharge batteries, do laundry and get a good night sleep because of our next step.  I wonder what that is??  We stayed at Moss Marina and everyone there was very nice.  They had a big casino cruise ship that was docked there.


My walks were short cause it was sos hot - so there is only a few pictures from this stop. 

I was also not allowed on their beach or the pier but did get a fair amount of attention. 

Fort Myers Beach

Pier of Fort Myers Beach
Old outboard engines decorate this building
Can't wait to see what we do tomorrow....

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