Saturday, May 14, 2011

Opening of bridges between Sarasota and Pelican Bay - May 6, 2011

We got up early today in Sarasota and fuelled up at Marina Jacks.  This boat must take alot of fuel, since we go often when on the move, besides daddy complains about it too. 

Going down the ÏCW again, lot of big houses, they say lots of movie stars and athletes have homes in this area. 

I think daddy should get this one but he say it's out of  our price range.
This part of the trip is the first time we have had to request a bridge to open.

Bascule Bridge

 Mom and Dad waive and say thank you each time.

 In this particular instance i barked at the attendant that opened the swing bridge for us, he just laughed when he saw me. 

All day we had a head wind and big dark clouds behind us as we travelled thru Lemon Bay.


We only had 1 more bridge befor reaching Gaspiralla Sound.  This bridge opens on the hour and every half hour.  We radioed the attendant and she confirmed that it would open at 4pm, so we did circles just before the bridge, by then the rain had caught up to us.  We were on the bridge that isn't enclosed and at first the rain was light.  At 4pm when the bridge should have opened the rain got stronger and we were all wet.  Mom and Dad say driving on the bridge is easier than inside and were hoping to stay ahead of the rain.  By 4:10 the bridge was still not open and the attendant could clearly see that we were waiting.  Mom radio'd again and the mean lady says "sorry i'll open it now" and she said it with a bit of a laugh.  Mommy did not think it was so funny.  We then went downstairs cause the rain was just too much.  Mommy tried to dry me with towels but really everything was wet. 

Across from Gasparilla Sound we saw lots of dolphin and even a sting ray however since our visibility was so poor we got no pictures.  The sky cleared up just as we were reaching our destination of Pelican Bay which is at the north end of Cayo Costa. We had to drive by the beach within 150 ft.   Mommy stood on the bow with the pole and tested the depth.  The depth finder showed 5 feet below us but i guess lots of people get too far from the beach and get grounded on a sand bar.  We made it thru fine.  We anchored in the middle of the bay with approxiemately 30 sailboats, 3 powerboats and 2 catamarans.   

The sun was now shinning and there was 0 wind.   I was patient this time cause i knew shore was close by, so I let mom and dad get settled and lower the tender to go to Cayo Costa.  i like my rides to shore in the tender, this time i liked it so much that when we got to the dock i jumped in another tender.  The ranger guy thought it was funny, he said i should have been more pre-occupied with reaching land.

Cayo Costa is a Florida State park, there is no ammenities there.    

We took a short walk that night cause it was getting dark and there are lots of unknown animals here.  I saw cute rabbits that i wanted to go play with...

Dad said they have things called alligators that could be of concern.  I wonder if we'll get to see one of those tomorrow.
The sunset that night was beautiful with the calm water.

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